Aylesbury Vale Radio Society Callsign G4VRS

Photos from past events can be found in the link below. Click on Photostream in top left to view all.


Contact e-mail is avrs@rakewell.com

Meetings are held every 3rd Wednesday of the month at The Doghouse Broughton Lane Aylesbury HP22 5AR The Dog House Inn – Pub & Restaurant, Aylesbury 01296 485228

Click on the button below for the Doghouse Link.


Hi, all

Our current pogramme diary is :-

17th July – Discussion evening

21st August – Visit to the Trenchard Museum at RAF Halton (daytime)

18th September – Discussion evening

16th October – Presentation on DMR by Vic G0RAS

20th November – Quiz vs CDARS at the Doghouse

18th December – Christmas social hosted by G3MEH, including presentation of the G6NB Rosebowl

15th January – Annual dinner at the Doghouse

19th February – Discussion evening

19th March – AGM

 All meetings start at 8.00pm and are held at the Doghouse Inn HP22 5AR unless otherwise stated.

Last update 29/4/2024

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Photos from past events